Friday, May 29, 2009

Over the Rainbow

A double rainbow


Carl Grover said...

First time I have ever seen a double rainbow. It is very pretty. Did you take the picture in Russia?

Joseph Yu said...

Dear Carl,

I took the picture just outside my door. The building is the cathedral built by an immigrant from Eastern Europe who got very rich from nothing.


Pamela Moya said...


BaZi said...

Is that 'Cathedral of the Transfiguration' ?

Joseph Yu said...

Yes, it is the 'Cathedral of the Transfiguration'.

The four bells are supposed to be the largest of its kind in the world. It generates very soothing sound to pacify the 2 black and 5 yellow. Unfortunately the dispute between the Foundation and the Bishop led to the latter leaving the cathedral. Hopefully, the services will resume when the whole project is complete.


Unknown said...

Dear Joseph,

Can the cathedral be considered a mountain?
Would you say that this is how Feng Shui manifests itself... it is as if without effort you find a home with water for the 8ws and if the answer is yes to the above question, then a mountain form for the 8ms topped with the powerful Feng Shui cure, the sound of metal from one of the world's best devices.
It is as if time has blessed you with a good home with family nearby and always your wonderful wife at your side.
Sometimes I get discouraged that my life is not what I had hoped but the double rainbow outside your window tells me that time is my Commander and things will happen when they are suppose to and not when I wish them to.
If I can be wise like you, I will appreciate the beauty when it arrives.


Unknown said...

Dear shifu,

It is beautiful. When last time Irina and I were taking a river boat along the Moscow river we saw one too, i.e. a double rainbow, as it went ahead of us while going underneath all these bridges, then one of rainbows settled right in front of us just before another bridge in the grass there. We were all excited.


Marianna Halassy said...

Dear Joseph,

This is beautiful!
Please take a look at my blog, what kind of a rainbow I 'received' yesterday!
It is just as unusual as your double rainbow.

I read your posting with much interest!

Warm regards,