Monday, June 27, 2011

Zi Wei Dou Shu (4) - The influence of Indian astrology

The four residue stars in Qi Zheng Si Yu are obviously borrowed from Indian astrology. For example,
羅睺 Fire Residue is directly taken from Rahu and
計都 – Earth Residue is Ketu.
These are the meeting points of the solar path and the lunar path as seen from earth.

Even Qi Zheng Si Yu has undergone a lot of changes and improvements to become what some scholars consider authentic Chinese astrology. The astronomical flavour is very strong and the projected results are statistically oriented. Famous astrologer Wu Shi Qing 吴師青who was active in Hong Kong in the early 20th century has published a book called Heaven Luck Astrology 天運占星學. In the preface of this book, he quoted Han Shu 漢書: "Huang Di 黄帝 ordered three scholars one to divine the sun, the second one to divine the moon and the third one to divine the stars." He tried to shake off the Indian flavour in Qi Zheng Si Yu and studied extensively the eight planets (Pluto was not included). All the stars on the sky provide the background for these planets to act on. The idea is like using the stars as body and the planets as application. No Indian names are used.

Chinese astrology is actually deeply astronomical influenced. The accuracy of the chart is extremely important. Wu Shi Qing was an astronomist himself and he communicated with other top astronomists in China frequently to make sure the charts he drew were accurate. The exclusion of Pluto from the planets in his book is not without grounds.

Other people who were not astronomists followed a different path. Both Zi Ping 子平and Zi Wei 紫微 are much more an art than a science. The astrologer is like a photographer who has an unusual camera eye and can see what common people cannot see. In Zi Wei Dou Shu, although the names of the stars can be associated with the real stars on the sky, the way of charting does not justify the association. It is just like how Pablo Picasso paints a portrait of his love.

It is most likely that when Zi Wei Dou Shu was invented, Buddhism was most influencial in China. Therefore, the names of the stars are from the translated Buddhist writings. To most people the association of astrology with religion makes destiny analysis more credible. Unfortunately, there were some obvious mistakes in assigning the names.

Tan Lang 貪狼 literally means a greedy wolf. No matter whether it is used in Feng Shui or Zi Wei Dou Shu, we cannot associate this name with the personality of the star.

Lian Zhen 廉貞 literally means clean (opposite to corrupt) chastity. Whether it is in Feng Shui or Zi Wei Dou Shu, this star has an evil nature that most people fear.

However, a name is just a name and it does not alter the nature of the star. We can see the importance of fully understanding the nature and personality of the stars before we can use Zi Wei Dou Shu to study destiny.



joey said...

is it true tian xiang makes lian zhen less evil?

Joseph Yu said...

Tian Xiang is very kind at heart and cannot stand seeing people in misery. Lian Zhen, on the other hand, is very strong minded and can be cruel when it is in association with stars like Qing Yang, Ling Xing, Huo Xing and Hua Ji. It is, however, influenced by the kind nature of Tian Xiang and willing to let go even when offended. Lian Zhen is not an evil star. It is just not easy to apprenhend.


joey said...

my personal experience,i easily switch betwen one and the other depending on the other person.Recently i was abroad looking for a job- when things looked good i gave money to a beggar, when things appeared hard, i called another beggar a loser.Inthe street i pushed a kid out of my way.When his mother said "its only a kid" i replied. " you did worse to jewish kids in 1945". Et voilá
I dont force myself to be good or evil-it depends on how im treated.
The other thing-since Bing years and Ren years make Lian zhen make L zhen evil and Jia brings it positive side,then one would have to consider bing/ren unfavourable and Jia favourable in Bazi system, or not?

Joseph Yu said...


Stars in your Ming Palace are responsible for your personality while stars elsewhere have outside influence. In addition, luck periods and annual charts offer further influence. On top of this, people you interact with also resemble stars that will call for responses.

In Four Pillars, an element/stem/brnch being favourable or unfavourable is only a very elementary approach.


joey said...

Tian xiang likes food and I think this is one of the ways it keeps my L Zhen quiet,but it also makes me feel weaker and unable to act,for good or for evil.
Since Bing brings out the worse in L Zhen I suspect hot weather has a similar effect as the Peach Blossom nature is further enhanced bythe Heat